From Grumbling Stomach to Grumpy Mood: The Relationship Between Hunger and Anger

Jayakumar Sadhasivam
2 min readJan 27, 2023


It’s no secret that a hungry stomach can make a person angrier than they otherwise would be. When we’re deprived of food, our body releases hormones that can lead to increased aggression. We become irritable, frustrated, and less in control of our emotions.

Photo by Yogendra Singh —

Several scientific explanations explain why a hungry stomach can make us angrier. First, hunger can lead to an increase in the stress hormone cortisol in the body. When cortisol levels are high, we’re more prone to overreact to situations and become more easily frustrated.

Second, when we’re hungry, our blood sugar levels drop, which can lead to a decrease in serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating our moods. When serotonin levels drop, we’re more prone to negative emotions and can become easily agitated.

Finally, when we go too long without food, our bodies start to break down muscles for energy, which causes us to feel weak and tired. This can also lead to increased frustration and anger.

In short, a hungry stomach can lead to a whole host of negative emotions and make it more difficult for us to stay in control of our feelings. If we’re feeling angry and irritable, it’s often a sign that we need to eat something. Eating a healthy meal can help us to feel better and more in control of our emotions.

On the other hand, when we’ve had a full meal, our brains release the “happiness hormone” dopamine, which can help us to feel more relaxed and in control of our emotions. Eating a healthy meal can help us to stay in a better mood and be less prone to outbursts of anger.

So if you’re feeling angry and irritable, it may be a sign that you’re hungry. Make sure to take a break and grab a healthy snack to help you stay in control of your emotions.



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